The story follows a struggling young couple chasing the American dream only to realize their worst
The story follows a struggling young couple chasing the American dream only to realize their worst nightmare when they discover a demonic spirit in their new home. Mammon is the biblical word for the worship of wealth, and the couple discover that getting rich can come at a hefty price.
主演:黛西·埃德加-琼斯,塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦,乔尼卡·T·吉布斯,Andrea Bang,戴奥·奥柯奈伊,夏洛特·勒·邦,布瑞特·迪尔,阿丽娜·马里斯,威廉·贝勒,Lachlan Quarmby,Sunghee Lapell,Arghavan Jenati,Anthony Ingram,Frances Leigh,Lance Birley,Joseph M. Costa